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Documentation for MatchDir.exe, Version 1
Copyright Jack MacDonald, 1996
This file has 4 parts:
Part Title
1 Installing MatchDir
2 Using MatchDir
3 Reporting Bugs
4 Disclaimer, Registration, and Redistribution
Part 1: Installing MatchDir
The Zip File
You should have received MatchDir as a zip file, and the file you
are reading is part of that zip file.
The Individual Files
MatchDir consists of three files in total. This file, MatchDir.TXT
is the documentation and MatchDir.EXE is the program file. Register.txt
contains instructions for registering with the author. Unzip all
the files into any directory of your choice.
Use Win3.x File Manager to drag MatchDir.EXE into one of your
Program Manager groups, or make a shortcut on your Win95 desktop
or Start menu.
MatchDir is written in Visual Basic 3.0, therefore, it requires
VBRUN300.DLL to be installed on your computer. In order to save
space, VBRUN300.DLL has not been included with this distribution
file, but you likely already have VBRUN300.DLL on your computer.
If you have any difficulty running MatchDir, then look through
your computer to locate VBRUN300.DLL. Move the file into your
\WINDOWS directory (you need just one copy of this file).
If you can't find VBRUN300.DLL on your computer, ask a friend or
download it from one of the more popular shareware sites on the
Internet, Compuserve, America Online, or other sites.
To uninstall MatchDir, just delete the EXE and INI files.
Part 2. Using MatchDir
Program Overview
MatchDir is used to compare the contents of two directories and
then to copy, delete, or move files from the source directory.
You can copy files to a third directory if desired. The source
directory is always on the left, and the target on the right.
You can press the GoSource button to set the target directory to
the same location as the source directory. Press Swap to swap the
source and target directories.
Press the Mirror button to go to an identical-named directory on
the target drive as on the source drive. MatchDir will create the
directory if it does not exist on the target drive.
File Views
MatchDir uses two different views to show the files. The first
view shows the source and target directories in two lists, while
the second view shows a single, matched-list view of the files.
The source and target directories display the files in "dimmed"
mode, and you cannot select the files from these lists. You can
do file-management only when the matched-list view is
displayed because the command buttons are hidden until the
matched-list view is displayed.
When a file in the source directory has an identically-named mate
in the target directory, then both files are shown on the same
line. When a file does not have a matching file in the opposite
directory, it is shown on its own line.
On slower computers or over a network connection, the matching
process may take a few seconds -- that's why the two views were
required. As you navigate through directories, MatchDir will
display the files in the two-list view without the processing
delay. When you settle on the source and target directories,
MatchDir will automatically change to the matched-list view after
a few seconds. You can also press the Match'Em button to switch
to the matched-list view.
You can press the Cancel File Matching button during the matching
process. MatchDir will display the list of files to the point
when you pressed Cancel.
MisMatched File Extensions
MatchDir has a special mode where it can match files between
directories if they have the SAME NAME but DIFFERENT EXTENSIONS.
To invoke this mode, just type a "*.ext" partial file name into
the file-mask box (e.g. *.cdr). MatchDir will display a second
file-mask box. When you enter a "*.ext" mask (e.g. *.wmf) into
the second box, MatchDir will turn the second box red and disable
the Copy and Move buttons.
When using the MisMatched Extensions mode, MatchDir will match
(for example) DEMO.CDR in the source directory with DEMO.WMF in
the target directory. This can be quite handy if you process some
files through various filters to create new files. You can easily
check that all the source files have mates in the target directory,
even if the file extensions are different.
Managing Files
After creating the matched-list view, MatchDir makes it easy to
determine if the same-named file exists in both directories, and
which version is newer. For identically-named files, a symbol is
shown between the two names to indicate whether the source file
is newer, older, or the same age as the target file.
You can control whether the list includes all the files, files
with same names, or files with different names. Press the All,
Same, or Different buttons. For files with identical names, you
can control whether all, same, or different dates will be
displayed by using the appropriate radio buttons. Experiment...
You will figure it out in a hurry.
You select files using standard Windows techniques: click single
files or Ctrl-click multiple files. Shift-click ranges of files.
The Select button cycles between selecting the newer, equal, or
older files in the source directory.
Press the Copy, Move, or Delete buttons to perform the action.
File movement is always from the source (left) to the target
To copy files from the target to another location, press the Copy
To.. button. MatchDir will ask for the location of the target
Setup and the INI File
The default symbols for newer, equal, and older files are +, =,
and < respectively. I found that + is easier to distinguish for
newer files than >. Your tastes may vary... Use the Setup button
to enter the symbols of your choice.
You can also determine the delay that MatchDir uses before
switching from the two-list to the matched-list view. I find that
a longer delay is better on slower computers in order to avoid
the annoying processing delay while MatchDir compares the source
and target directories, especially when the directories contain
hundreds of files.
MatchDir will write MatchDir.INI when the program exits. It will
save the location of the source and target directories so you can
start again in the same location for your next session.
Command-Line Operation
MatchDir will use an optional command-line parameter to determine
the initial source directory. You can add a command-line
parameter to the icon properties under Win 3.x or to the shortcut
properties under Win 95. For example:
c:\util\matchdir.exe c:\
will start the program in the root directory of c: You can make
several icons or shortcuts to start the program in different
You can also use the command-line parameter under programs like
Norton File Manager for Win95. For example, I have a custom
command button on my Norton Toolbar that launches:
c:\util\matchdir %dir%
This starts MatchDir in the currently-selected directory in File
Manager. Very handy..
Network Installation
MatchDir looks for Matchdir.INI in the same directory as
MatchDir.EXE, and MatchDir will create the file if it does not
If you want to share MatchDir on a network and allow each user to
customize the MatchDir settings, then you should add the
following lines to MatchDir.INI in the program directory:
where x:\dir is a unique network location for each user, as
controlled by their login script. You could even enter
c:\windows\matchdir.ini if you wanted the INI file to be located
on the individual computer instead of the server.
Give all users read-only privileges to MatchDir.EXE and
the shared copy of MatchDir.INI.
MatchDir will create the INI file for each user as specified in
the shared MATCHDIR.INI file that is located with MatchDir.EXE.
Part 3: Reporting Bugs
If You Find A Bug
In the event that MatchDir doesn't do what you have asked, try
deleting the files and re-installing from the Zip file. Ensure
that VBRUN300.DLL is available on your computer in a directory on
your search path.
If you are still convinced that MatchDir has a bug, please inform
me by writing to macdonald@infomatch.com with the subject line
MatchDir Bug.
Part 4: Disclaimer, Registration, and Redistribution
Standard Disclaimer
MatchDir is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind, either
express or implied. In no event shall Jack MacDonald be held
liable for any damages whatsoever including direct, indirect,
incidental, consequential, loss of business profits or special
MatchDir is distributed as shareware. If you use MatchDir for
more than a 30-day evaluation period, then you are obliged to
register it with the author. Registration is $15.
Send your $5 registration fee to:
Jack MacDonald
5465 Maple Crescent
Delta, BC Canada V4K 1G3
If you email me for registration, you will receive a registration
code that removes the "nag" screen. Registration will also encourage
me to continue to enhance MatchDir.
I wrote MatchDir because the programs I was using failed to meet
my needs in a few instances. I took inspiration from PC Magazine
/ Michael Mefford's DirMatch utility, a DOS program that I have
used for years. PC Magazine updated DirMatch to a Windows version
recently, but I found it somewhat limited. I tried some other
programs with similar features, but I decided to write my own
Redistributing MatchDir
Pass MatchDir to all your friends and colleagues. MatchDir can be
posted to newsgroups, or put on web pages, provided that the
entire zip file is included and not just the program.
You can find the latest version of MatchDir on my Web page: